So, the highlight of my day today was figuring out how to braid my hair with one hand. Unfortunately, I had to do it to the side, so I still have a long project a head of me.
I had a few random thoughts today. One of my friends is with this girl who is super afraid of dicks. So I started to wonder what straight girl is afraid of that? Isn't part of the attraction to people, on an animal level, sex? We may like to think that we don't have to have it, or personality is better, but everyone eventually has it. If you're afraid of the opposite sex's parts, why go for them, your same sex has parts you're NOT afraid of...
Another question that always pops into my head at random times is the number system... who decided 6+4=10? and who decided the value of 6 and 4, and how to write it? Which then led me to the alphabet and words, and grammar and I just had to stop thinking about things because my brain was hurting and I had homework to finish.
My homework made me realize that most Americans know nothing about how our political system works, and that I just assume all developed countries are run like ours, but they're not. England still has a queen and parliament, as does Canada, but other than that, I'm living under a rock. I couldn't tell you how the German elections are run, or how Portugal agrees on policies (much less what their policies are). We, as a country, are so focused on how much our President (regardless of who he is apparently) sucks and we can't wait until he's out of office. My hope every four years is: maybe people will actually look at what the candidates are saying, and NOT saying, for that matter. But every four years, I am sorely disappointed in my fellow Americans for electing who they think will make them look the coolest at the next party, rather than who will actually do what they think the President should do.
I think the most annoying random thought I had today was: why does it always look like men's hair grows in forwards, and women's hair grows backwards?
actually it all depends on the length of the hair, if you look men with longer hair tend to have hair growing backwards i.e. my brother who has shoulder length hair looks as if all his hair is growing backwards. I have short hair and it tends to look as if it grows forward. hence since women in general tend to have longer hair it always looks as if its growing backward and especially when you ladies put your hair up it looks like its growing backwards. And so my posting on this blog begins with a chat on hair, and how it all depends on the length